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- Key Economic Indicators
- (Millions of U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted)
- 1992 1993 1994
- Income, Production and Employment: 1/
- Real GDP (1993 prices) 2/ 2550.5 2171.2 2171.2
- Real GDP Growth (pct.) -33.8 -15.0 0.0
- GDP (at current prices) 1125.2 2171.2 3457.0 3/
- By Sector:
- Agriculture/Forestry 181.05 230.16 345.70
- Energy/Water 15.45 148.30 155.57
- Manufacturing 296.56 454.49 594.60
- Construction 52.99 83.77 183.22
- Rents 27.64 73.77 79.52
- Financial Services 44.14 80.73 117.53
- Other Services 67.54 360.41 1169.50
- Government/Health/Education 69.66 205.84 380.27
- Net Export of Goods & Services 34.94 53.90 -34.67
- Real Per Capita GDP (USD) 2/ 976 846 855
- Labor Force (000s) 1,502 1,458 1,450
- Unemployment Rate (pct.) 2.3 5.6 8.4 4/
- Money and Prices: (annual percentage growth)
- Money Supply (M2) 1/ 169.2 684.4 1054.9 5/
- Base Interest Rate 120 27 27
- Personal Savings Rate N/A N/A N/A
- Retail Inflation 959 35 23
- Wholesale Inflation N/A 36.3 24.0
- Consumer Price Index N/A N/A N/A
- Exchange Rate (USD/Lat)
- Official --- --- ---
- Market (average) 0.892 6/ 0.676 0.568
- Balance of Payments and Trade: 1/
- Total Exports (FOB) 641.4 7/ 999.9 7/ 2005.0 3/
- Exports to U.S. 2.4 22.6 52.8
- Total Imports (CIF) 606.5 946.0 2039.7 3/
- Imports from U.S. 15.8 89.5 100.0
- Aid from U.S. 6.0 9.0 10.6
- Aid from Other Countries 41 27 48
- External Public Debt 67.2 236.4 387.2
- Debt Service Payments (paid) 1.8 11.6 18.1
- Gold and FOREX Reserves ?/ 86.8 564.3 688.7 5/
- Trade Balance 34.9 53.9 -34.7 3/
- Trade Balance with U.S. -13.4 -66.9 -47.2
- N/A--Not available.
- 1/ Average exchange rate used (except for Real GDP):1992 -
- USD 1 equals 0.893 Lat; 1993 - USD 1 equals 0.676 Lat; 1994 -
- USD 1 equals 0.568 Lat.
- 2/ Real GDP for 1992-1994 at 1993 prices converted at average
- 1993 exchange rate.
- 3/ Ministry of Finance estimate. Sector estimates based on
- 1994 nine months data (January-September, 1994).
- 4/ National Employment Service estimate.
- 5/ As of September 31, 1994.
- 6/ Latvia's currency, the Lat, was not put into circulation
- until March 1993. The 1992 exchange rate is expressed in Lats
- converted from Latvian rubles at the official 200/1
- ruble-to-lat rate.
- 7/ Data has not been corrected to reflect fuel imported by
- Latvia for re-export.
- 1. General Policy Framework
- When Latvia re-established independence in 1991, it also
- abandoned the Soviet command economic system. Though still in
- transition, the Latvian economy to a great extent operates on
- free-market principles. The private sector accounts for over
- fifty percent of GDP. Privatization has so far been most
- successful in the agriculture and agribusiness sphere, followed
- by very small scale manufacturing and retail trade previously
- under the direction of local governments. The government has
- pursued monetary and fiscal policies in compliance with IMF
- guidelines. Consequently, the currency (the Lat), which is
- fully convertible, is very stable. The government's budget
- deficit this year is projected to be within two percent of
- GDP. The decline in GDP, which saw production levels fall to
- half of the pre-independence level, ended this year. Flat
- growth is expected in 1994; three to five percent growth in the
- next several years. Inflation has been brought down from nearly
- one thousand percent in the first year of independence to
- thirty five percent in 1993 followed by a gradual decline to
- about 25 percent in 1994.
- Trade policy: A GATT observer since 1992, Latvia submitted
- a Foreign Memorandum in June 1994 in preparation for accession
- to the GATT. Latvia follows a liberal trading regime, though
- its recently promulgated customs tariff law is more protective
- of the domestic agricultural market. However, the new tariff
- levels probably do not negatively affect potential U.S.
- agricultural exports. Latvia signed a free trade agreement
- with the European Union, which reduces tariffs on most
- industrial products to zero and sets out a schedule of tariff
- reductions over the course of three years for certain
- agricultural products. Latvia has already concluded free trade
- agreements with the Nordic countries, Switzerland and
- Liechtenstein. In April, 1994, a free trade agreement on
- industrial goods with its Baltic neighbors came into force. A
- further agreement on agriculture is expected shortly, as are
- negotiations on a customs union. MFN status with Russia was
- granted as the result of an exchange of official letters
- earlier this year. However, as it is not governed by treaty,
- the arrangement may not be binding.
- Latvian fiscal policy is prudent and financial management,
- in light of the difficulties of adjusting to independent,
- western-style accounting, is sound. The Finance Ministry is in
- the process of implementing the general budget law which was
- passed in April 1994. According to that law, the budget for
- the next fiscal year is to be presented to the Parliament by
- October 1. However, submission has been delayed by the
- government crisis in the summer, which was not resolved until
- September. In 1994 the government expects a 75 million dollar
- deficit, about four percent of the total budget, or two percent
- of GDP. The deficit is caused by increases in pensions and
- government salaries, and defaults on government backed loans.
- It is financed primarily by the sale of treasury bills to
- commercial banks. Difficulties in tax collection and a low tax
- base constrain revenue development.
- The independent central bank also pursues a very
- conservative policy, with its chief aims being stability of
- prices and currency. Earlier this year, an inflow of foreign
- exchange, which the central bank purchased to keep the currency
- from appreciating (and thereby further eroding export
- potential) helped to swell the money supply. However, for a
- number of reasons the flow has stabilized. The bank's main
- monetary instruments, which are still being developed, are
- treasury bill sales and cash reserves auctions. One
- consequence of the tight monetary policy has been the
- persistence of very high interest rates, which are an
- impediment to new business activity. Though the rates have
- fallen over the past year, the average rate for three to six
- month credit is around fifty percent.
- 2. Exchange Rate Policy
- Though the Bank of Latvia has loosely pegged the currency
- to the SDR at the rate of 0.7997 Lats to the SDR in order to
- maintain stability, the exchange rate is largely determined by
- market forces. The Lat is fully convertible and there are no
- restrictions on the import, export, exchange or use of foreign
- currencies inside the country.
- 3. Structural Policies
- The Latvian government has made great strides, but is still
- in the process of developing the laws and institutions and
- regulatory framework to support a market economy. While Latvia
- passed bankruptcy legislation in 1991, administrative
- mechanisms and procedures are not yet functioning well in that
- the law does not establish criteria for initiating bankruptcy
- procedures or provide a mechanism for rehabilitating
- enterprises on the brink of bankruptcy.
- Price Policies: The Latvian government almost completely
- decontrolled farm procurement and retail food prices in
- December 1991 and removed restrictions on the pricing of
- industrial goods in January 1992. To safeguard producers,
- indicative prices were set for the procurement of cereals,
- sugarbeets, flax, meat, milk, and poultry. However, the
- mechanism has not been effective as farmgate prices have tended
- to exceed support prices. Moreover, the government has neither
- the mechanisms to enforce indicative prices nor the
- resources to compensate farmers for lower prices. Less than
- eight percent of goods and services remained subject to
- control, including energy, telecommunications, rents and other
- public services.
- Tax Policies: Latvia is in the process of implementing a
- modern tax structure, which will include a value-added tax
- (VAT), a profit tax, a graduated personal income tax, excise
- and property taxes, customs duties, land and natural resource
- taxes, and a social security tax. Under the draft law, which
- is expected to be passed shortly, the variable profit tax of 25
- to 45 percent will be replaced by a corporate income tax of 25
- percent. Until a true VAT is implemented, the government is
- collecting an 18 percent turnover tax on most goods and
- services. The existing law on foreign investment provides for
- tax reductions for up to five years for qualifying foreign
- investments, but the new law may repeal these tax breaks. The
- social security tax is collected on all wages, fees, royalties
- and rewards for work; the general social security tax rate is
- 37 percent for employers and one percent for employees. The
- agricultural sector is exempt from many of these taxes, or
- taxed at a reduced rate. According to the new law on customs
- tariffs, import duties on some agricultural products are as
- high as 55 percent (for countries without MFN status).
- However, duties on industrial products are minimal or zero for
- countries in a free trade agreement. Latvia collects an export
- duty on timber, metals, leather, paper and a few other products.
- Regulatory Policies: Latvia is only beginning to create a
- modern system to regulate economic activity. The Bank of
- Latvia is responsible for regulating the banking industry and
- has created a supervisory structure. An antimonopoly committee
- supervises monopolies and examines the tariffs set by public
- utilities. It can recommend the break-up of large enterprises
- with high market power and can investigate claims of unfair
- competition and false advertising. A regulatory body has been
- set up to oversee the activities of the energy sector and
- provide rate arbitration for district heating services,
- electricity and natural gas, which are still provided by
- monopolies.
- Privatization: Privatization of large state enterprises,
- which has lagged behind other reform measures, has begun to
- accelerate with the creation of the Latvian Privatization
- Agency in April 1994. This entity assumed responsibility for
- all privatization procedures, previously disbursed among
- various ministries. In early 1995, the first wave of
- enterprises will be offered for "mass" privatization, i.e.,
- auctioning of shares for privatization certificates
- (vouchers). This event will also kick-off full operation of
- the Riga Stock Exchange.
- 4. Debt Management Policies
- As of October 15, 1994, the Government of Latvia's external
- debt was 329 million dollars, and could increase to 387 million
- by the end of 1994. G-24 credits constitute 55 million
- dollars. Latvia has concluded a second standby agreement with
- the IMF (SDR 22.9 million) and two structural transformation
- facility agreements (SDR 45.7 million). Latvian compliance
- with IMF programs has been strong, though a minor problem with
- budget financing led to temporary suspension of disbursement of
- the second tranche of standby credits. On September 30, 1994,
- Latvia's official foreign exchange and gold reserves were
- valued at 688.7 million dollars, covering nearly six months of
- exports. The ratio of debt service to exports is a very modest
- 1.50 percent.
- 5. Significant Barriers to U.S. Exports
- The main barriers to U.S. exports to Latvia are
- structural. While considerable improvement has occurred over
- the last year, Latvia's business, banking and legal
- infrastructures have not yet attained Western standards.
- Under the 1991 Investment Law, the laws of the Republic of
- Latvia apply equally to domestic and foreign investors.
- However, there are some restrictions on foreign investment.
- Acquisition of controlling shares in a Latvian enterprise with
- assets exceeding one million dollars must be approved by the
- Cabinet of Ministers. Foreign investors may engage in, but not
- obtain control over enterprises engaged in activities related
- to national defense; the manufacture and sale of narcotics,
- weapons and explosives, securities, banknotes, coins and
- stamps; the mass media; national education; acquisition of
- renewable and nonrenewable national resources; internal
- fisheries; hunting; and port management. Latvia does not
- restrict the repatriation of profits. The Bank of Latvia must
- approve the establishment of a foreign bank branch. The
- United States and Latvia signed a bilateral investment treaty
- in January 1995.
- Latvia requires a license for the import of grain and sugar
- to protect domestic production. In the case of grain, the
- importer is required to demonstrate purchases from domestic
- producers. The sugar licensing restrictions poses problems for
- foreign (or domestic) producers of high quality food products
- which use sugar, as the domestic product is considered to be of
- inferior quality. A special permit granted by the Cabinet is
- required for the import or transit of weapons, explosives or
- pornographic materials.
- Latvia is still formulating food safety standards.
- Meat imports are subject to inspection by the state veterinary
- department for infectious diseases. As of June 1, 1994,
- imported food products are required to have conformity
- certificates to guarantee quality and wholesomeness of food
- products.
- 6. Export Subsidies Policies
- The Latvian government does not currently provide export
- subsidies. However, the Ministry of Agriculture intends to use
- state funds allocated for improvement in animal husbandry to
- subsidize the export of butter, cheese and rye. (Export
- subsidies for rye is intended to be a temporary measure to get
- rid of excess stocks.)
- 7. Protection of U.S. Intellectual Property
- The Government of Latvia is committed to attaining a level
- of protection for intellectual property rights comparable to
- that provided under international conventions. Pursuant to
- that commitment, the Latvian Parliament in 1993 passed
- legislation to protect copyrights, trademarks and patents.
- While the legal basis for intellectual property rights has been
- established, Latvian law has not defined penalties for
- violation of these rights nor established a judicial or
- administrative mechanism through which foreign owners may seek
- effective redress for violation of their intellectual property
- rights.
- In July 1994, President Clinton signed an Agreement on
- Trade Relations and Intellectual Property Rights Protection
- with Latvia. Latvia has been a member of the World
- Intellectual Property Organization since January 1993 and
- signed the Paris Convention in September 1993. Latvia will
- accede to the Madrid, Nice and Budapest Conventions in December
- 1994. Latvia also intends to become party to the Bern
- Convention not later than December 31, 1995.
- Unauthorized reproductions of copyrighted video recordings
- imported from Russia are widely distributed in Latvia. To halt
- the use of pirated films imported from Russia by private
- Latvian television stations, the Latvian Radio and Television
- Board on October 27, 1992, adopted a ruling under which the
- license of any domestic television company would be revoked if
- it is unable to show that it has legally acquired the rights to
- the films it broadcasts. The board does not apply this ruling
- to signals from the Russian television stations that are
- rebroadcast directly by Latvian television.
- Latvia's intellectual property practices have not had an
- serious impact on U.S. trade outside the film and video
- industry.
- 8. Worker Rights
- a. The Right of Association
- Latvia's law on trade unions mandate that workers, except
- for uniformed military, have the right to form and join labor
- unions of their own choosing. About 50 percent of the work
- force belongs to unions; union membership is falling as workers
- leave soviet-era unions that include management or are laid off
- as soviet-style factories fail. The Free Trade Unions
- Federation of Latvia, the only significant labor union
- confederation in Latvia, is non-partisan, although some leaders
- ran as candidates for various smaller parties that failed to
- enter Parliament in the 1993 elections. Unions are free to
- affiliate internationally and are developing contacts with
- European labor unions and international labor union
- organizations.
- The law does not limit the right to strike, but few strikes
- were actually held in 1994. On September 2, 1994, the majority
- of Latvia's teachers participated in a one-day strike to
- protest low wages. Although many state-owned factories are on
- the verge of bankruptcy and seriously behind in wage payments,
- workers fear dismissal if they strike and non-citizens fear
- striking may affect their residency status. While the law bans
- such dismissals, the government's ability to enforce these laws
- is marginal.
- b. The Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively
- Large unions have the right to bargain collectively and are
- largely free of government interference in their negotiations
- with employers. The law prohibits discrimination against union
- members and organizers. Some emerging private sector
- businesses, however, threatened to fire union members; these
- businesses usually paid higher salaries and greater benefits
- than were available elsewhere.
- No export processing zones exist in Latvia.
- c. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
- Forced or compulsory labor is banned and is not practiced.
- d. Minimum Age for Employment of Children
- The statutory minimum age for employment of children is 15,
- though 13-year-olds can work in certain jobs outside school
- hours. Children are required to attend school for nine years.
- Child labor and school attendance laws are enforced by state
- authorities through inspections. The law restricts employment
- of those under 18, such as by banning night shift or overtime
- work.
- e. Acceptable Conditions of Work
- The labor code provides for a mandatory 40-hour maximum
- work week with at least one 24-hour period of rest, four weeks
- of annual vacation, and a program of assistance to working
- mothers with small children. In October 1994, the minimum
- monthly wage was set at about 50 dollars (28 Lats). Latvian
- laws establish minimum occupational health and safety standards
- for the workplace, but these standards seem to be frequently
- ignored.
- f. Rights in Sectors with U.S. Investment
- The only significant U.S. investment is in the manufacture
- of food and related products. Conditions do not differ from
- those in other sectors of the economy.
- (###)